Spiritual Encouragement
Psalms 146:2 KJV While I live will I praise the lord.
I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being.
Our Objectives here at Love Outreach Ministries International
are to help women, minorities and the formerly incarcerated obtain jobs, education and housing.
To Accomplish these Objectives,
We will partner with organizations that provide hands on training and funding
To remember those that are in bonds
Hebrews 13, verse 3 – “Remember them that are in bonds, as with them, and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.
I Corinthians Chapter 16, verse 15 – “that ye submit your yourselves unto such, and to every one that helpeth with us, and to every one, and laboureth
To lend a helping hand up and out of incarceration.
Professional Clergy visits are available to those inmates that are incarcerated in teh Denver Women’s Correctional Facility located at 3600 Havana, Denver CO 80239.
The inmate would have to send a in-house kite request to: Director Faith Citizens Programs, Colorado Department of Corrections P.O. Box 392005, Denver CO 80239.
Professional Clergy visits are also available to inmates incarcerated in Adams County Detention Facility 19 N Union Blvd, Brighton CO 80601. The inmate simply needs to write a letter requesting a visit from Love Outreach Ministries International, providing first and last name, booking number and unit number
Help with Seasonal Care Packages From Union Supply Direct
Optional and on a cas by case basis depending on availability of funds to maintain personal hygiene while incarcerated at Denver Women”s Correctional Facility
Help With Studying The Bible, is provided at the professional clergy visits so that inmates are able to correctly interpret the Word of God, so that they will have a guide to a successful life in and out of incarceration.
Support for Potential Parolee Before the Board
Love Outreach Ministries International Is also willing to support the inmates appearing before the Parole Board by writing a letter acknowledging noticeable achievements. We will also appear before the board in person, to vocally herald their accomplishments. .”
We’ll be waiting to hear from you.
-Pastor Leibert
720-620-9727 – Cell Phone